About Volition
What we do
We're on a mission to empower everyone to be a decision maker in their own lives. It's a human right!
We are champions of Supported Decision Making.
We build the decision-making capability of disabled people and their supporters through:
Smart and simple resources
The Volition app - an accessible multi-media app that empowers disabled people to collaborate with their supporters and direct their own decisions, services and lives.
Volition is your personal and portable database, our preference bank in your pocket.

Who we help

Disabled People
Volition supports Disabled People to express voice, choice and preference.
Volition is a practical tool to capture and share notes, photos, audio or video of the things that you like and don't like - from what you have on your toast in the morning through to advanced care directives and living wills. You can say it once, and Volition can do the rest - no more repetition!
The app is built to be accessible, so Disabled People can use it by themselves or in collaboration with their supporters.

Volition gives parents peace of mind.
It helps them to 'download' all of the information they have in their head about how to care for their loved one.
This enables others to step in and care when needed, giving parents a break and confidence in the future.
They can save non-verbal expressions of preference on camera or microphone, and catalogue multi-media recordings of behaviours to analyse, decode and understand meaning.

Support Providers
Volition enables Support Providers to obtain the genuine voice and feedback of their clients in real time.
This helps them to plan, deliver and report on person-directed services, and market their services competitively.
This also supports them to evidence and celebrate their outcomes with a greater degree of confidence.

Volition gives carers a head start in understanding what is important to the person they are supporting, and how that person wishes to be supported.
Carers can collaborate with the disabled people they support to use Volition, build preference profiles, and invest in the platform that will make everyone's life, work and play easier.

Older Adults
Volition gives older adults the opportunity to capture and document what is most important to them, before their memory or age makes this more difficult.
They can describe in their own voice and style what brings them joy and what they try to avoid, and what their wishes are for their future and for their loved ones.
How it works
It's easy to get started with Volition.
When we launch later this year, users will be able to get started for free. On our free plan Decision Makers can choose one Supporter to collaborate with, and get started recording what's important to them.
To unlock unlimited Supporters and a lot more storage for their preferences, Decision Makers can upgrade to premium for just $10 a month.
Decision Makers and Supporters can connect their accounts, and work together to build a comprehensive preference library. Decision Makers choose what information they share and who they share it with.
Users can take notes, pictures, videos, or record audio of what they like and how they want to receive support. They can organise their preferences in the way that makes sense to them, or use the categories that we suggest.

Our demo isn't ready just yet, but watch this space. Coming soon!